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Simply search for restaurants in your neighborhood that you like by using a zipcode, city/state and the kind of food you're in the mood for.
You can share recommendation lists, your profile with others. Letting you friends know where you like to eat.
We do all this without collecting lots of private data - just simply being good observers and using smart tools
As a member you can receive $5 (or more) in cash, when you eat at a restaurant that participates in the Choizi program!
You have to simply get a sticker with a code on it from the restaurant you went to you.
This sticker code tells us that you are eligible to receive the rewards. That's it. You can do this at your convenience.
You earn even more by referring your friends. You'll get email telling us when you are eligible to earn these referral fees.
We have one of the most comprehensive restaurant databases that will help you find using information that you can use.
We also host a critic's corner that lets you discuss what you like and don't like about a certain restaurant.
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